BTQ Main Controller The BTQ-VM4/BTQ-VM8 controllers offer 4/8
IDA8C Controller Networkable PA/VA System Controller - Matrix Mode
Ceiling LoudSpeaker Round Metal Ceiling Speaker, Weatherproof Loudsp..
ATEIS Studio Softwar complete set of tools and building blocks for real
Advanced Monitored Battery Charger
Charger and Monitoring Unit
DIVA system designed for small to medium scale installations
DIVA-8MG2 Comptact PA/VA Controller
DIVA-8S Comptact PA/VA Slave Unit
Uni-directional addressable condenser paging microphone
Touchscreen Paging Console
Wallmount Paging Console
Wallmount Touchpanel Console
Switching unit for digital audio pocessing
Switching unit with audio in/out contacts, paging console
Switching unit for secured input and normal contact output
IDA8 Highlly Integrated PA/VA System
Networkable PA/VA System Controller - Matrix Mode
Networkable PA/VAController – Switch Mode
The IDA8SAB, IDA8S, IDA8SL Slave unit For IDA8 PA/VA System
Highly flexible and self-amplified PA/VA system
BOUTIQUE BTQ-VM4/BTQ-VM8 controllers offer 4/8 monitored speaker zones respectively.
Paging console allows call-paging, message broadcasting and DSP matrix parameter
The BTQ-SG8 PAVA secondary global unit
The BTQ-SL8 is an extension unit for BTQ-VM4/8
Remote paging console which serves up to eight zones individually with an All-Call option
Paging console allows call-paging, message broadcasting
Up to 8 paging consoles can be connected to BTQ-SL8, and 16
Contact interface extension unit for IDA8 system.
TouchPanel Paging Mic Console w/EVAC Button
electrical junction box which allows the chain-wiring
Wall mount paging mic console with 8/16 keys and EVAC button
Complete set of tools and building blocks for real-time control
Digital loop repeater with power injector